13. Who is Russ Miller?
Russ is a biblically responsible investment manager with training and experience in three areas:
- Pre BRI Professional – MBA from Columbia Business School; CFA; over 25 years of investment experience, mainly in energy investment research and banking with Prudential, T. Rowe Price Associates and Alex. Brown & Sons.
- Spiritual – Received Christ as Savior in 1960; evangelism and discipleship in the local church and through parachurch ministries, such as the Navigators, CBMC (Connecting BusinessMen to Christ), Kingdom Advisors and Crown Financial.
- Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) – Worked: (1) on negative values research for two years with Values Investment Forum, (2) on values oriented securities analysis for two years with Stewardship Partners, (3) as investment manager for four years with American Values Investments and one and one half overlapping year with Foundation Financial, and (4) as a Qualified Kingdom Advisor, who completed the Core Training in biblical financial wisdom for financial advisors.
Currently Russ is President and founder of Foundation Financial, Inc. (FFI), an RIA that focuses on biblically responsible investing. In addition, Russ is Chief Investment Counsel at American Values Investments (a values-driven RIA) and sales consultant with IW Financial (a leading online provider of values information for investing). These three jobs have a common focus on values based investing.
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